A Christmas Charity FUNdraiser

Restless Development and the International Citizen Service programme have done a huge amount for me. They have paid to vaccinate me, train me, and fly me to Zambia. They have taught me about development around the globe and locally in our Zambian and British communities. They have offered me the chance to change the world…

“The way we think about charity is dead wrong”

I do love trawling through TED.com, of a Saturday evening, in search of an inspiring new video to make me feel like my Big Night In has not been entirely unproductive. Such is how I stumbled across Dan Pallotta‘s talk about our interpretation of charity in the Western world (he refers specifically to the United…

A win for us all

So there it is: I’ve surpassed my target by over £100! I have been absolutely blown away by the generosity of my family, friends, friends-of-friends and complete strangers. I wish I could thank everyone personally, but for now I suggest you give yourselves a pat on the back and I shall be thinking of you…